www.jackstaxi.net• A British Company
You are more than welcome to apply to have a link to your site / RNA / Ship association put on this site. All I ask is that (a) it's relevant and (b) you are happy to have a link for Jack's Taxi on your site. Please feel free to get in touch via the CONTACT US page or you can email me directly at: barwisnick@yahoo.co.uk


A unique and quirky gift are our Royal Navy Ducks.
They are crafted from bamboo, carved and painted by hand in the uniform that is dependent on your rank and rate, ensuring that every duck is an individual.
A perfect collectible gift for our veterans and current serving in the Royal Navy.
Why not take a look at our page

We’ve just written our own comprehensive guide to What Support is Available for Military Veterans Starting a Business?
It can be found here: https://www.companydebt.com/what-support-is-available-for-military-veterans-starting-a-business/
In this guide, we bring together all of the support that’s available for military veterans, including professional advice, finance options, grants, mentorship, support, training and more. We provided details of the support available to veterans in the UK, the US, Canada and Australia, so veterans can find resources that are geared specifically towards starting their own business.

A memoir of a Royal Navy Career - Ian Atkinson
"Excellent read. I get a mention in the book, it was good to relive some old experiences. Recommended reading, for serving and retired Submariners, or for anybody who would like a no holds barred look on Navy life."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the book, it was a fascinating account of a massive life circle, from HMS Raleigh, back and beyond, first as a recruit and back as divisional officer (i never knew what that was, but all is explained), very funny in places and sad also, especially helping to clear up after a hurricane. If you are not services (and i am not) you will still understand how the book flows (and a submarine works) in a lighthearted manner."
"Back In Action"
Following the success of the memoir, 32 Years Man & Buoy, IIan Atkinson has just written his debut novel. Five years in the writing, Back in Action has just been published, as an e-book, at https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/909992 ISBN: 9780463464557
The paperback version is now available on Amazon and some major outlets, ISBN: 9781788766258
In December 1986, the Swiftsure-class submarine, HMS Saracen sailed from Devonport for a routine patrol within the Arctic Circle.
A series of catastrophic incidents combine to leave her crippled on the bottom of the Barents Sea, dangerously close to the Russian coast. The crew struggle for days to repair the boat before their life support systems fail. Eventually returning to the surface, the world is a very different place. Inexplicably, their nuclear submarine has been transported back in time to witness a historic sea battle.
A series of questions now face the captain; how have their rules of engagement changed? Can they change history? More importantly, how are they going to get home again?

The WRS 2016 pin is now available for purchase
Please come to the WE REMEMBER SUBMARINERS facebook page for full details. Funds go to many SM related charities, the British Legion, Lady Haigs Poppy Factory and to provide wreaths for deceased submariners, serving and retired.. We are also providing funds to a submariners only welfare fund.
Many thanks.

The Black Pig's Domain
This website is run by former / serving members of the Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and contains language commonly used by Servicemen around the world. If language of this sort offends you *PLEASE DO NOT ENTER* For ex forces that it’s too quiet or too restricting on lots of sites.
This place is open 24/7. If you want a late night chat, this is the place. Welcome night birds, ideal place if you are stuck in hole in the ground, on watch, gate keeping, whatever, night shifts, secret places, just you and a computer, or no fucker talks to you ”cos you are a grumpy twat.

Website for all things about this great boat including dits, reunions, commisions, news and much more.
A great site for ex Submariners.

A Great place to go if you are looking for a wide range of embroidered shirts or work wear. Perfect for ship associations and clubs.

The Convoys
The North Atlantic Fleet sailed from 1941 to 1945 from the UK to North Russian ports of Murmansk and Archangel to aid Russian Allies. The Russian Convoys were called ‘the Suicide Missions’ by many of those men who sailed on them. Merchant ships with supplies and
ammunition were escorted by British Royal Naval ships and aircraft carriers. These supplies were vital to the war effort as German forces had Russia completely blockaded.
During the war young men of 18 were drafted into the forces and some lads in the Merchant Navy were only 16 years old. With German u-boats and aircraft intent on stopping supplies to Russia many ships were lost and over 3,000 young men perished in the icy waters of the North Atlantic, their bodies never to be recovered.
Supplies came initially solely from British sources with a greatly increasing quantity from America from January 1942. Allied supplies transported to Russia included 7,411 aircraft, 4,932 anti-tank guns and 5,218 tanks. For Prime Minister Winston Churchill, these supplies were a vital demonstration of Allied solidarity. He did however call the Arctic Convoys The Worst Journey in the World
With a total of 78 Convoys to Russia, Loch Ewe in Wester Ross, Scotland was where 19 of the convoys departed, a further 23 left from Liverpool, The Clyde (Glasgow), Oban and Reykjavik (Iceland). From Russia to the UK there were 36 convoys.
The Project
The importance of highlighting the legacy of the WWII Russian Arctic Convoys is central to the project. It is to the memory of all of these brave men who sailed on the convoys, and the many (over three thousand men) who lost their lives, that the local communities around Loch Ewe in the North West Highlands of Scotland are planning a Museum.

Loads of history, information, photographs and an active forum make this the go to site for anything 'Ton' related.

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